Is it possible to manually activate an eth0 connection? - Partially SOLVED!

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Jan 22 00:55:03 UTC 2009

Bas Roufs wrote:

>> You're right - the next time you change connections, that's going to be
>> lost.  It's actually controlled by dhclient, so compare
>> /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf on the two machines.
> This sounds good. I transferred a copy of dhclient.conf from the
> laptop to the desktop. Than, I compared each time several lines of the
> copy file with the 'original' dhclient.conf file at the laptop. By
> doing so, it became clear that the dhclient.conf files at both
> machines are already exactly the same now; 

That sounds like the hard way.  I hope you know how to use "diff" or, even 
better, "kompare" (which, unfortunately, for Linus-only-knows what reason, 
doesn't work in KDE 4.1 unless you're root).

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