replacement for VLC: I dont want Qt

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Jan 19 12:44:41 UTC 2009

2009/1/19 Paul Gupta <paul at>:
> 1) Every little bit counts, Ubuntu IS bloated because of this kind of
> "what's a little more?" thinking. That's my opinion and it's not going
> to change until Ubuntu is snappier on my system than the new Windows 7
> build...(Yeah, that's right, I said it...)

Do you avoid GTK apps in Windows 7 such as Firefox and Open Office?
Because then you also have the overhead of two widgetsets. Do you
avoid Qt in both Ubuntu and Windows? Opera, Google Earth, Skype, and
many other applications are Qt.

> But anyway, the real question, is it running BOTH wx AND qt now? What do
> you mean by "both libraries installed and loaded"?  Do you mean wx/qt or
> qt/gtk?

It seems that he meant Qt _and_ GTK, as GTK is used by Gnome and Qt is
used by VLC.

If you insist that Qt is slowing down your computer, then please post
the results of your  benchmarks with VLC 0.8.x and 0.9.x showing that
0.9.x is more resource intensive. If it really is slowing down our
systems, then I would also look for an alternative. Thanks in advance.

Dotan Cohen


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