Not linuxes fault

Doug Pollard dougpol1 at
Wed Jan 14 03:27:57 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> On 01/12/2009 07:30 PM, Doug Pollard wrote:
>> For the time being I have what I need that works and I need to use 
>> wacom. When I finish up with that I may very well try vmware.  They are 
>> working on getting Wacom to workbetter in Linux and I will be keeping in 
>> touch with that.  I also ran into a couple fellows here in Harrisonbirg 
>> Va.   For what I concider a very modest fee they are going to help me 
>> get better at working in  the terminal.   With a little luck this may  
>> make a difference. They seem to think they can help.  A young lady told 
>> me the one fellow is a pure Geek and has the patience of Joab.   Whe'el 
>> see,hope she's right.
>>                                                                   Doug
> I'd recommend trying VirtualBox first (the PEUL version) as (to me
> anyway) it is much easier to setup. See:
> For Wacom, perhaps these will help:
> Hint: enter 'wacom' in the search box on either of those pages and
> you'll find additional information. For example:
Yes I've been there and tried that.  The bamboo pad and sylis has 
features that does not yet work in Ubuntu. They  are still working on it 
and i would think they would have it all working  before too long.  I 
wanted the stylus to work in Gimp but there was not some of th painting 
and retouching options I needed.  Presently I am editing pictures for 
video there and then taking them to Painter in xp  and that works well.  
The video I am doing has both Pictures and vidio in it so I am editing 
and building it in Cinelerra.  I expect to be working on this until this 
time next year.  I really don't want to work with something that does 
not quit work yet.   I will switch when the guys on wacom list tell me 
it's all up and running.

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