removal of midbrowser

Ray Parrish crp at
Tue Jan 13 22:58:37 UTC 2009

don fisher wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>> don fisher wrote:
>>> Ray,
>>> I really appreciate your reply to my, at time, newbie questions. Let 
>>> me explain a few more details. The first is that I am trying to change 
>>> from Fedora to Ubuntu. So many of the tasks I previously new how to 
>>> perform changed or gained aliases:-) Part of the adventure I guess.
>>> I have had to install the 32-bit version of firefox in my home 
>>> directory. I did this because some of the codecs for online videos 
>>> only exist in 32 bit formats.
>>> Along the lines I found:
>>> a) The links from /etc/alternatives are:
>>>    /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser -> /usr/bin/firefox-3.0
>>> b) The links from /usr/bin are:
>>>    /usr/bin/firefox -> /usr/bin/firefox-3.0 -> 
>>> /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/
>>> So both paths end up at /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/
>>> But when I click on a link contained in a Thunderbird email, it still 
>>> opens midbrowser.
>>> My ~/.mozilla directory, as shown below, does contain an entry for 
>>> midbrowser:
>>> .mozilla>ls
>>> appreg          dfisher/        firefox@        mozver.dat      plugins/
>>> default/        extensions/     midbrowser/     pluginreg.dat
>>> There appears to be something within Thunderbird that wants to use the 
>>> midbrowser rather than the firefox entries. I cannot find anything in 
>>> Thunderbird that would change that setting. I am not even aware of how 
>>> I enabled it. Maybe one of the upgrades did it by default?
>>> Thanks again for your help. I really have most things working. Only 
>>> problems with Network Manager and Sound remain. But there have been 
>>> many other posts on these subjects so I assume they are being fixed.
>>> don
>>> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>>> don fisher wrote:
>>>>> I have just installed ubuntu 8.10. In the past when running 
>>>>> Thunderbird, I could click on a link in an email message, and the 
>>>>> link would open in FireFox. Now it opens in midbrowser. Using 
>>>>> synaptic, I removed midbrowser. Then when I clicked on the link 
>>>>> nothing happened.
>>>>> How does one tell Thunderbird to use FireFox rather than midbrowser?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> don
>>>> Start Firefox, select Edit, Preferences, on the Preferences dialog 
>>>> select the Advanced tab. Near the bottom of that tab is a checkbox 
>>>> that says "Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser". 
>>>> Check that, and then over to the right is a button which says "Check 
>>>> Now". Click that and if it asks if you want to make Firefox the 
>>>> default browser, click Yes.
>>>> Here is another method you can use in terminal, on the command line 
>>>> type -
>>>> update-alternatives --install x-www-browser 
>>>> /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox
>>>> Then, use
>>>> update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox
>>>> or
>>>> update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
>>>> Take your pick.
>>>> Later, Ray Parrish
>> Hello again,
>> LOL! You're a noob??? I've only been using Linux for about six months
>> now, after years of suffering the problems of Windows... I have been
>> tearing into the guts of Ubuntu every day however, and have been
>> learning quite a bit.
>> Also, I'm pretty good at using Google, and a search there on "ubuntu
>> thunderbird http link" has put me onto a thread that contains what I
>> think may be the answer for you.
>> Create a text file and name it user.js and put the following lines in it -
>> user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox");
>> user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox");
>> user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox");
>> Then save into your Thunderbird profile folder. The right folder will
>> already have a file called prefs.js. On my machine this path is
>> /home/ray/.mozilla-thunderbird/jta97xpo.default/
>> WOOPS! I realized right after clicking the Send button, that I had 
>> forgotten about your non-standard path to Firefox. Please amend the 
>> paths in the user.js file to "/usr/bin/firefox-3.0" to make it work on 
>> your system.
>> I hope this solves your problem.
>> Later, Ray Parrish
> Ray,
> That worked great. Thanks for the assist. My background more physical 
> science than computer science. Maybe you could point me to a dictionary 
> that explains LOL and noob?
> Thanks again
> don
LOL! Yeah, I have trouble with a lot of the anacronyms I see in the 
groups at times, and think people should make a practice of putting 
their full wording right after them in brackets the first time they use 
them in a post. 8-) But then they wouldn't save any keystrokes, and I 
guess that's the whole idea in the first place.

Now I know where to go to look them up, thanks to the link provided in 
the other post.

I'm glad you're sorted out.

Later, Ray Parrish

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