kickstart bug ?

Gregor Grüner Gregor18 at
Mon Jan 12 16:17:02 UTC 2009

Hi Pierre,

have you check your Anaconda-File with ksvalidator to make sure that no syntax errors are in the file?

For example:

- ksvalidator /root/ks.cfg

If there is no output produced by the command, the kickstart file has successfully validated. This means the syntax of the file is correct.

best regards

Gregor Gruener

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "Pierre Frenkiel" <pierre.frenkiel at>
> Gesendet: 12.01.09 15:15:38
> An: ubuntu-users at
> Betreff: kickstart bug ?

> I tried today a kickstart install, using the ks.cfg
> file generated by system-config-kickstart.
> I put it on a NFS server, and added:
>      ks=nfs:server:/ks.cfg
>     to the install boot options
> The install starts, but at the partition step, I get:
>     no root defined
> According the syslog, the file is found on the server,
> but I have the following messages:
> Failed to parse       langsupport options
> Failed to parse       timezone options
> Failed to parse       rootpw options
> Failed to parse       user options
> Failed to parse       bootloader options
> Failed to parse       clearpart options
> Failed to parse       partition options
> Failed to parse       partition options
> Failed to parse       partition options
> Failed to parse       auth  options
> Failed to parse       network options
> Failed to parse       firewall options
> Unrecognized kickstart command firstboot
> before doing a bug report, I would like to know wether
> somebody else used kickstart for Intrepid install,
> and what was the result.
> -- 
> Pierre Frenkiel
> -- 
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