default window size to full screen problem

Ray Parrish crp at
Sat Jan 10 20:29:36 UTC 2009

don fisher wrote:
> I have managed to arrange my system so that in both gnome and kde the 
> windows, such as gterm, synaptics, etc load incorrectly. They first 
> appear the correct size, the in about 1/2 second they expand to full 
> screen, like maximized. When I right click on the tab in the panel, I 
> have the option on Unmaximize. When I execute this option the window 
> returns to normal size. But this is a pain for every window that is opened.
> There must be a default that I have set by mistake, but I am unable to 
> find it. Any assistance would be appreciated.
> don

On the Applications, System Tools menu you should find Configuration 
Editor. In this tool you will find entries for all of the programs on 
your system, and part of the settings you can apply to them there are 
their window sizes, initial positions onscreen, and whether they should 
be opened Maximized or not. Too bad it wasn't that easy in windows... 8-)

If you don't find it there , install the package "gconf-editor" and you 
will have it then.

Later, Ray Parrish

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