Screen Saver

Mark H. Nichols ubuntu.prole at
Sat Jan 10 06:14:08 UTC 2009

On Jan 9, 2009, at 11:52 PM, Ray Parrish wrote:

> Rashkae wrote:
>> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>> Nice suggestion, but since I used Synaptic Package Manager to  
>>> completely
>>> remove gnome-screensaver, and every other screensaver related  
>>> package on
>>> my system, that file doesn't exist anymore. Thanks for trying to  
>>> help. I
>>> have rebooted after doing the removals, and for some mad reason my
>>> screen still blanks after ten minutes.
>> Blanks, your screen blanks?  We've been going around in circles  
>> looking
>> for a screensaver (let's be clear, a screensaver, at least, one that
>> uses any kind of screensaver program, displays pretty graphics on  
>> your
>> screen).
>> So please, clarify, do you see a 'screensaver' or does your screen  
>> blank?
> I had the screen saver interface set to use the "blank only" setting
> instead of actually running a graphic screen saver. Someone else
> suggested that it was actually power management doing the blanking,  
> and
> told me how to shut that off, and I already have tried that with no  
> joy.

When I was a programmer I frequently ran across problems where one  
bug masked another.  After reading all the messages in this thread  
the question that occurs to me is, what else did you do with or to  
your computer either just before exploring the screen saver  
offerings, or just after that exploration?

In other words, is it possible that something unrelated to the screen  
saver or the energy saving settings is causing your screen to blank?

You've pretty well eliminated the screen saver feature from being the  
issue.  What else did you do about that time that could be the cause?
> This is really puzzling me. I've never had software disobey me before.
> It usually does exactly what you tell it to do, at least it always did
> in Winbloze.

The software *is* doing what you told it to do.  The trick is to step  
back from what you think is the root cause and consider those things  
that, while unlikely, may be the root cause.


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