Assets & Issues

Ernst Doubt calloquillick at
Fri Jan 9 20:55:52 UTC 2009


I work at a small college and we have a need for a system to manage
our assets (computers, networking gear, printers, software, etc...)
that's much more pressing than our need to upgrade our trouble ticket
system (we currently leverage trac for that, somewhat unsuccessfully
as it has a ticketing system that's more geared to an open source
software project than it is to a small college helpdesk).   But it
seems silly to look at an Asset database solution that doesn't have a
way to integrate easily with a good trouble-ticket system.

In the end I'm sure that we could get funding to buy a purchased,
proprietary system that would probably be adequate, but I'm wondering
if any of you have suggestions of software packages (especially
open-source/free software solutions) that I might want to look into.
Network autodiscovery of assets is definitely *not* a requirement.
Really what I want is a robust DB schema with a decent (presumably
web-based) front-end.   Postgresql is preferred (though not the only
back end we would consider).

We have a total of 700 or so users (if you count all students faculty
and staff) and a very small staff (just a few of us with another half
dozen or so student workers), but it's important that we be able to
integrate (in order to leverage credentials and groups) with our
existing LDAP server (which is fairly vanilla OpenLDAP).

      thanks so very much in advance,
              Ernst Doubt

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