OT: Internet Provider

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 15:44:17 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca>wrote:

> Brother Walt Gee wrote:
> >
> > For those of used to the plethora of DSL ISP's in certain areas of the
> > United States it may be hard to understand how there may only be one ISP
> > in Las Cruces.  Well here in extreme S/E Tennessee we are also stuck with
> > one only, AT&T.  Hopefully there will be some competition soon, but as of
> > now thaqt is it and BOY OH BOY! are they raking us over the coals $39.95
> a
> > for month 3.0meg DSL!
> Oh how my heart bleeds for you.  I pay $90/month for less speed, AND I get
> throttled if I download more than 100MB in a day - and I suspect that while
> that's high for North America, it would be a good deal in much of the rest
> of the world.
Sounds like a US satellite provider.

Here in New Mexico Qwest charges the same as AT&T in SE Tennessee,
but we only get 1.5meg DSL for our money.

Americans like to think we are the best.

But for a dose of reality check this out:


See how far down you have to scroll before you find the US.
See how many third world countries have better internet service than us.
And those statistics are just for the North American continent (a
correct definition, but one we are unacustomed to.  It includes Central
and the Carribean)

It would be nice if the web site allowed us to select all continents, and
the threshold for the minimum number on unique ip numbers, cities required
a country to be included in the report.  I wonder if the raw data for this
website is
availble somewhere.

Drew Einhorn
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