OT: Internet Provider

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Fri Jan 9 14:57:13 UTC 2009

Brother Walt Gee wrote:

> For those of used to the plethora of DSL ISP's in certain areas of the
> United States it may be hard to understand how there may only be one ISP
> in Las Cruces.  Well here in extreme S/E Tennessee we are also stuck with
> one only, AT&T.  Hopefully there will be some competition soon, but as of
> now thaqt is it and BOY OH BOY! are they raking us over the coals $39.95 a
> for month 3.0meg DSL!

Oh how my heart bleeds for you.  I pay $90/month for less speed, AND I get 
throttled if I download more than 100MB in a day - and I suspect that while 
that's high for North America, it would be a good deal in much of the rest 
of the world.

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