OT: Internet Provider
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 8 20:18:02 UTC 2009
--- On Thu, 1/8/09, Scott <sclewin at sgaming.ca> wrote:
> From: Scott <sclewin at sgaming.ca>
> Subject: Re: OT: Internet Provider
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 7:44 AM
> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > However, when I first signed up for Ubuntu Users,
> > I clicked the American English list and this list url
> is what I got.
> That is a basic language selection that, as far as I know,
> is
> meaningless. Every list I know including the Canadian list
> haves only
> American English as its selection. People write in
> whatever kind of
> English they where taught like Canadian English here which
> is closer to
> British English as we spell things like colour, armour, and
> eh! :).
> > If you know
> > something more than I do then please post the url, err
> email address
> > for the American Ubuntu user list as I like to
> investigate it.
> I'm sorry, I only was interested in the Canadian list,
> so that is the
> only one I noticed. I remember seeing several other list,
> but never
> paid attention to them. I'm pretty sure most countries
> gets their own
> list and I would hope the US would have its own list.
> > BTW, in my area of southeast Texas, the closest LUG
> > in in Houston, Texas and they are either inactive or
> dead as they do
> > not answer several emails I have sent to them.
> Ouch! You are in a similar situation to me as I live in a
> smaller
> community, but my local LUG is very active. Oddly enough
> my local LUG
> is in a city much smaller than Houston (I think) having a
> population of
> only 125,000.
> > Hmmm, or maybe they
> > just didn't like my questions posed.-:)) Leonard
> Chatagnier.
> I really hope not as LUGs should be a good source of
> information and I
> have learned a large amount from the Barrie LUG (BLUG :) ).
> There was a loco team suggested for you that you should try
> out as well.
> But if you are down on your luck and can't get any
> local help, then
> yea this list would be your only other option.
Hi, my friend Scott. Yeah, the user list seems the only alternative.
There was even a local LUG in Beaumont less than 20 miles away but their email address was no longer active. It was surprising that Houston LUG was inactive or at least not responding to emails I sent, more than one BTW.
I've done quite a bit of googling for Local LUGs but find nothing active when I did it a while ago. I also visited all the links NoOp listed and checked their archives and only saw listings for scheduled meetings of some sort of planning meetings schedules. Not very encouraging but I didn't attempt to email them asking for support or help in troubleshooting. In any case it didn't seem interesting or worth further delving. I've never had any success in contacting any of the google listed Local LUGs in my area. May try the Louisianna LUGS which appear to be more active. In any case the only listed LUG that's close enough that I'd care to visit was the Beaumont one and they seem to be totally disbanded. Thanks for the Ubuntu User List and the good people that support it or I might still be using windows. I looked for years for a Linux distro before stumbling across Debian and first installed Woody, bf2.4 but Debian wasn't newbie friendly at all so when a
nice gal from Canada on the Debian list suggested Ubuntu as an easier version to use than straight Debian I jumped on it and have been happy ever since with Ubuntu. As far as I'm concerned, Ubuntu is the only Linux distro the Linux world needs as it has made great strides in recognizing hardware and automatically setting them up especially on the latest versions. All in all, ubuntu seems to just work even as well as windows(not a slam) and if it wasn't for the licensing issues even flash plugin setup would be an automatic snap although it's not very hard as it is.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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