Updates - Should I accept the changes?

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Wed Jan 7 13:37:59 UTC 2009

Amichai Rotman wrote:

> I am running Kubuntu with KDE 3.5.10
> I added the following line to my sources.list so I can get Amarok 2.0 on
> my box.
> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main
> I want to upgrade to Kubuntu 8.10, but I am waiting for the final stable
> realese of KDE 4.2
> After adding the line and updating the list, I get a message I have 27
> packages to install / upgrade, all of the KDE 4 related. I do notice they
> all contain 'hardy' in their name.
> My questions:
> 1. When will the final stable 4.2 release will be available?

You probably mean the "first" stable release - not the final one. :-)

> 2. Is it safe to apply the changes?

Probably not.  KDE4.2 is _quite_ early in its development.  Still, you'd do better to ask this on the Kubuntu-user list, rather than this one.

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