Updates - Should I accept the changes?

Amichai Rotman amichai at iglu.org.il
Wed Jan 7 11:28:55 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I am running Kubuntu with KDE 3.5.10

I added the following line to my sources.list so I can get Amarok 2.0 on my

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main

I want to upgrade to Kubuntu 8.10, but I am waiting for the final stable
realese of KDE 4.2

After adding the line and updating the list, I get a message I have 27
packages to install / upgrade, all of the KDE 4 related. I do notice they
all contain 'hardy' in their name.

My questions:

1. When will the final stable 4.2 release will be available?
2. Is it safe to apply the changes?

I am afraid to break the system and end up with a default KDE 4 desktop (I
am not sure I like it and I saw there are a number of problems with it...)



Amichai Rotman

UIN#: 6401746
Registered Linux User#: 201192 [http://counter.li.org/]
Registered Ubuntu User #12851 [http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net]


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