Processor Scaling

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Jan 7 09:31:48 UTC 2009

Ray Parrish wrote:
> Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
>> On Sat, 2009-01-03 at 04:29 +0000, Anthony M. Rasat wrote:
>>> sudo cpufreq-selector -g performance
>> If you are running the Gnome desktop, you can set the processor speed in
>> the CPU frequency scaling applet.  Just left click on the applet after
>> you put it in a panel.
> Not unless you run another command first to tell the applet it has root 
> privileges. I followed a link to instructions for that from someone in 
> this thread, and now have been able to use the applet to set my cpu to 
> 2000mhz, which is near it's top speed of 2100 mhz, and things are 
> responding much more quickly now.
> Later, Ray Parrish
Now that I've run with the cpu frequency applet set to either 2000mhz or 
performance, I have noticed that gray outs are still common and 
frustrating as I try to use my system. On a whim, I changed the cpu 
governor to ondemand, and what do you know, the gray outs went away...

It seems I was a bit hasty when I made the declaration that "things are 
responding much more quickly now" above in the quote.

Later, Ray Parrish

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