scanning documents

Florian Diesch diesch at
Sat Jan 3 19:25:01 UTC 2009

norman <norman at> wrote:

> I have recently changed from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and I have noticed
> something strange. I have always used XSane for scanning and sending the
> images to the printer and, with 8.04, there was very little delay
> between the completion of the scan and the start up of the printer.
> However, with 8.10 there is a very noticeable lag between end of scan
> and start up of printer and this delay seems longer the more copies that
> are needed of the scanned image. Also, there is a noticeable delay
> between copies when several are required.
> I have tried to find out what could be the cause but, so far, I have not
> been successful. Could some kind person kick off the new year with some
> useful help, please.

Please enable debug logging for printing as follows: Select "System" ->
"Administration" -> "Printing" in the main menu of your desktop. The
printer setup tool system-config-printer will open. Select "Server
Settings" in the list on the left. Then check the checkbox "Save
debugging information for troubleshooting" and click "Apply".

Then scan and print an image and post /var/log/cups/error_log. This is
a file where CUPS writes information about what it is doing. Almost
all printing problems can be diagnosed from the error log, so it is
the first place to look to start solving problems.

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