Serial Port Terminal Program

Kipton Moravec kip at
Sat Feb 28 15:25:36 UTC 2009

> So, let's go back to square one, ignore are subsequent advise/posts, and
> ask that you provide the basic information above. Then perhaps someone
> can help you further.

I am guessing the problem is with handshaking. If there is no HW
handshaking it loses data or screws up data. (I do not have handshaking,
so I have not tested it with handshaking.)

I am designing a project with a microcontroller. I like to stream out
data to a serial port so I can see what is going on inside as it is
operating while I am debugging. Ideally I run the serial port as fast as
possible and use interrupts to send the data.  In this case because I am
using the stock built in oscillator in the microcontroller, I can't get
above 19,200 baud without excessive baud rate error. (Normally I run at
115.2K baud with no handshaking and MAXTERM in DOS or Windows 98, and
Hyperterm in XP or Windows 98 do not have a problem.)

I put together a DOS machine yesterday and the data comes out without a
problem. When I use the dos terminal program (MAXTERM) running in dosemu
the screen looks like MAXTERM.png (Each line is sent once per second.)

When I use GtkTerm the screen looks like GtkTerm.PNG.

However, when I send only one character per second I have no problem
with GtkTerm. So somewhere between sending 1 character per second and
about 50 characters per second GtkTerm has problems. 

It is not a problem with Ubuntu losing the data, as MAXTERM a DOS
program running in the emulator works. It has to be a problem with



Kipton Moravec AE5IB .- . ..... .. -... 
Four Way Test
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
- Herbert J Taylor (1932)
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