
Scott Abbey scott at eotr.net
Sat Feb 28 06:55:20 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 19:24 -0500, stan wrote:
> IN talking to an Apple salesperson he indicated that I needed to install
> ITunes to supportan IPhone, if I buy one.
> Is there some software that runs under Ubuntu that will talk to the IPhone?
> Failing that has anyone isntalled ITunes under Wine?

In short, no. The iPhone is locked to iTunes. While people have managed
to get iTunes running under wine, it doesn't matter; wine won't talk to
USB ports.

You do still have a couple of options:
     1. Install Windows in a virtual machine using VirtualBox [1]. This
        is probably the best, most practical solution, if your hardware
        is beefy enough to support it (> 1GB RAM, >1 GHz processor would
        be my minimal suggestion; more is always better).
     2. Dual boot with Windows. I can tell you from personal experience
        that this is less than ideal. I could never bring myself to
        reboot just to load whatever piece of Windows software I needed.
     3. Jailbreak the iPhone, install SSH, and use SFTP to put music on
        the phone. This is the most difficult, least reliable, and least
        convenient way.

My suggestion is to stick with number one. It is the most convenient.
Just keep in mind that you must used the version of VirtualBox you get
from the website. The version in the Ubuntu repository does not include
USB support.

     1. http://www.virtualbox.org

Scott Abbey <scott at eotr.net>

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