[Ubuntu 8.10] Need help getting out of odd update manager loop

David Karr davidmichaelkarr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 23:21:15 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 3:05 PM, H.S. <hs.samix at gmail.com> wrote:

> David Karr wrote:
> > I posted on this earlier today on the Ubuntu Forum, but I really could
> use
> > some help with this.
> >
> > I was running along fine with Ubuntu 8.10 for quite a while. Whenever I
> see
> > the updates available icon, I always install all updates. I've been fine
> > with this.
> >
> > Today, I decided i wanted to install two packages, the "dos2unix" tool,
> and
> > the "js2-mode" Emacs package.  I did them both at about the same time, so
> > I'm not sure which caused my current problem.
> >
> > I needed to add another repo to get the Emacs mode package.  I added it,
> but
> Which exact repo did you add? Right after you added this repo and
> checked for upgrades and installed the above two packages, were these
> the only packages that were needed to be upgraded/installed?

Ah! I didn't pay attention to this right after it, but now I see that the
new repo is the key to this.

The repo URI was "http://http.us.debian.org/debian".

> > it complained about a missing pubkey, so I added that pubkey.  When I was
> > done, both dos2unix and the new Emacs mode appeared to be working fine.
> >
> > I then noticed that the updates available icon was there.  When I hovered
> > over it, it said "There are 530 updates available".  Uh, oh.
> After you installed the two packages, did you remove the repo you added
> in the earlier step?

No, but I just tried unchecking that repo and reloading, and now it just
says that only 1 update is available (not 531), for the flash plugin, which
was probably a "real" update.

> > When I brought up Update Manager, it presented a dialog saying:
> >
> > "Not all updates can be installed ...", giving me the choice to run a
> > "Partial Upgrade", or just continue (the choice of which is ambiguous).
> >
> > At this point, I posted the question about this on the Ubuntu forum.
> > Someone advised me to run the following commands:
> >
> >     sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
> I don't think there is any difference between this and checking for
> upgrades using the update manager.
> At this point, if you do
> $> sudo aptitude clean
> you will lose all downloaded (but not yet installed upgrades). But
> please answer the above queries first to see what is going on.
> It might be prudent to not do any upgrades till you are clear what is
> going on.

That didn't appear to do much (6 lines of innocuous output), but as
unchecking the new repo seemed to clean up the available updates list, I
think I'm ok with that.

Any reason not to proceed with the flash plugin update at this point?
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