Why do people detest top posting so much?
res at ausics.net
Wed Feb 25 00:57:15 UTC 2009
On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Thorny wrote:
> Setting a standard mode of conduct is not exactly the same as insisting.
> Generally, it is the community that does the enforcing. When the members,
Thats where we disgaree, unless you have moderator status, no one on lists
are any more important than anyone else (despite what some might think),
and you are back at the self appointed net-cops, which is wrong and i've
always disagreed with, because if your a normal user, thats all you are,
there are countless lists out there where you are removed for playing
net-cop for teha bove reasons.
> imagine you're familiar with the need to wear a flamesuit there. Aren't
> things better here where we have a measure of respect for each other.
I've worn one there for well over 15 years, I've also carried a flame
thrower and fishing rods along with countless coal-carrier-ship loads of
bait :)
> Society doesn't work because all laws are enforced every time, but
> because most people follow them most of the time without enforcement.
So true, no argument there, but when someone shooses to not obey the law,
only a police officer, or (depending on your country I spose) any officer
of the court, joe-average can not (except in exceptional curcumstances
like citizen arrest for serious assault or murder and only then, only in
some countries)
>> is so pedantic they wont help someone because the seeker top posted, I
>> think that says one HELL of a lot about the person who refuses to help
>> them, and nothing about the one seeking help.
> Perhaps it does. However, that doesn't invalidate my point, the person
> seeking help wants the best help they can get, thus asking the best way
But most seeking help, would be complete newbies, therefore may not know
any better in the first place, its pretty simple , if someone disgrees
with how someone else posts, they can choose, to not help, ignore them,
kill-file them and so on, they dont have the right to chastise them, send
them private messages with every second word calling them an F .. c..
and a lot of other things telling them to p off and so on, (yes i've had
them from some of the idiots in here as well who make thmsevles out to be
goody two shoes, because of my outspoken views in relation to things like
this very discussion before, im here to stay, even if its just to piss
them back off by not leaving :)
-Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers
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