Dreamweaver Equiv

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Tue Feb 24 23:35:40 UTC 2009

On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 15:14:34 -0800
NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Looks like the attached screenshot didn't make it, so I'll just post the
> text:
> You obviously failed to follow the links that I provided to the project
> page. I have 0.8a1 running just fine thanks.

Doesn't "a1" stand for Alpha1 (dunnon, I just assume) ? That's far from
stable release. If it were meant to be used, it would be on their
download page on kompozer.net... and it isn't, as I pointed out.
Maybe in 6 month it will be released, this will make for 24+ months
since the last/current release. So I think it's still difficult to see
it as a very active project, especially since this 0.8 when it does get
released will probably be just as disappointing as all previous
releases. Even Kompozer themselves say it: Kompozer is only meant to
fix minor bugs and annoyances in Nvu, and not more. So there is nothing
to be expected from Kompozer in the long term, for those looking for
a credible DW alternative. Adobe will probably have ported DW to Linux
years before Kompozer gets anywhere.
Sorry for sounding pressimistic... it's just that I have been using
Linux for 7 years now, and it still feels like most
applications/programs either die/stagnate or go nowhere, or so slowly
that it's not of any practical use.

I am sure Linux is all rosy on the server, but the Desktop is... mmm...
well, so much works needs to be done, might as well still be alpha in
20 years time I fear :-/


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