Crayon Physics for Linux?

Knapp magick.crow at
Mon Feb 23 16:24:01 UTC 2009

> Blender? I think Blender is multi-platform. It's hard to learn if you're
> not into 3d rendering and movie effects and stuff, in my opinion, but
> it's something that can be used to make professional-grade effects.
> There's even a movie made entirely using Blender as the animation tool
> of choice...

There are many movies made with it and only it.

Also the game demo runs just fine under Wine but not under VMware. I
just played all the demo levels. It is a REALLY cool idea but the game
needs some tuning or maybe a choice for age level setting or
something. I never was challenged by the game but maybe my 8 year old
would be. This game with a bit of tuning could be a really great game.

Douglas E Knapp

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