Crayon Physics for Linux?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Mon Feb 23 13:28:24 UTC 2009

James Takac wrote:
> Hi Guys
> On Monday 23 February 2009 20:59:28 Knapp wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:
>>> I just discovered Crayon Physics, a program that lets one draw 2D
>>> objects on the screen and simulate how they would behave with uniform
>>> mass in a gravitational field (see Flash-based demo):
>>> Does anyone know of a similar application for Linux?
>>> --
>>> Dotan Cohen
>> That is REALLY COOL! Closed thing that I know of like that is
>> Blender3d in game mode.
>> But not any where rear as kid friendly!
>> --
>> Douglas E Knapp
>> Why do we live?
> I'm taking it to be a windows program as I haven't followed the link. Have you 
> tried installing it under wine to see if it can handle it? May be worth a 
> shot

Blender? I think Blender is multi-platform. It's hard to learn if you're 
not into 3d rendering and movie effects and stuff, in my opinion, but 
it's something that can be used to make professional-grade effects. 
There's even a movie made entirely using Blender as the animation tool 
of choice...

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