8.10 Updates damaging applications

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Mon Feb 23 14:10:15 UTC 2009

Bart Silverstrim wrote:

> Christopher Chan wrote:
>>> I have been led to believe that it's safe enough if they are all
>>> Debian based at least.
>> Huh? Ubuntu is definitely not Debian. Debian has this reputation for
>> being out-dated...which was why Ubuntu surfaced I think.
>> Ubuntu may use the same packaging system as Debian but they sure do not
>> share the same repositories.
> Debian-based. Ubuntu was originally built on the Debian distribution.

In fact, Ubuntu is _continually_ built on Debian.  Each new release syncs
with Debian sid.
> Most of the distro's today "evolved" from another established distros
> like Slackware and Red Hat. After becoming divergent enough they become
> "different enough" that they may become the basis for their own support
> system and eventually fork into projects in the future.

Ubuntu worked rather differently - they forked early, but continually keep
in touch with the parent project.

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