No more sound after second X server

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at
Sun Feb 22 13:57:09 UTC 2009

On Sunday 22 February 2009 13:05, Tux wrote:
> Hello
> My Kubuntu (8.04) has no more sound after I started a second X server.
> How can I get it back?
> I tried a full reboot: no effect.
> If I boot on the live CD, the sound works fine, so this is not a
> hardware problem..
> To get a second X server, I logged as another user in a console
> (CTRL+ALT+F1), than I run:
> startx -- :1
> How can I correct this?
> Why does this happened? How can I prevent this?
> Thanks for your help

I've seen something similar to this before. It's worth a look in /etc/group, 
and make sure that all your users are members of the audio group.

It appears to be common that there is no entry for the first user, although 
the sound works ok, but adding new users to your system without them being 
added to the audio group, can result in no sounds for any users including the 
first user. If that is the case for you, add all your user names, including 
the first (comma separated), to /etc/group audio. Reboot, and see if the 
sounds are back.

You say you're using Kubuntu Hardy, so pulseaudio should not be in the 
equation, as that is only installed on Ubuntu Hardy as a default part of the 

It's also worth opening alsamixer, as user in Konsole, and check for any 
controls, like Master, PCM, Front, that may for some reason or other, have 
become muted.


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