All new docs in the last five days are gone!

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Thu Feb 19 06:37:18 UTC 2009

Wade Smart <wadesmart at>  said:
> 20090218 2103 GMT-5
> Crap!!!! My system keeps weirding out on me.
> I just rebooted my system after I couldnt get a thumbdrive icon off
> the screen after unmounting it. Now all my documents I have written
> in the past five days are gone. All my html files, all my php files -
> anything I have worked on is missing - EXCEPT my email. It is all
> here.
> I have tried running a search on file names and nothing comes up.
> How can this happen?
> Wade

where were these files, on the hard drive or the thumbdrive
(geek stick)?  If on the stick and you shut down before the stick
completed its write then you probably corrupted files.  Good luck
getting them back.

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
	Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
		"The Barsoom Project"

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