setting up HP 4050 with network adapter

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Tue Feb 10 20:52:08 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Wade Smart <wadesmart at> wrote:
> Chris Mohler wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Wade Smart <wadesmart at> wrote:
>>> 20090210 1332 GMT-5
>>> It took two weeks but I have my network adapter for the HP and its
>>> installed. I went to System > Printers and deleted the old printer setup
>>>  to install a new one but Im not sure how to give the HP a IP. Its
>>> connected to my router as is my pc but its not asking for an address.
>> Are you sure it's not getting an IP via DHCP?  Try 'sudo netmap -A
>> 192.168.0.*' (or whatever your LAN is).
>> If not, you may have to look at the HP docs to see what the default IP
>> is.  Is there anything in the printer's (physical LCD) menu that has
>> to deal with the network settings? I have a vague memory of something
>> like that on a 4000N...
>> Chris
> 20090210 1445 GMT-5
> Ah, it just took a few times starting the printer before it got an IP.
> Ok. I went to setup the printer. The options are
> AppSocket / HP JetDirect
> ipp
> or in cups there is also http
> Im guessing I choose JetDirect?

If memory serves, yes.  If not, it's probably ipp.  You can try
running nmap against the printer IP to see open ports, or telnet to
the IP on jetdirect (900-something?) or ipp (631) and see if there is
a response.


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