MiB in gparted?

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Tue Feb 10 20:01:55 UTC 2009

Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>> 	Feh. Still looks as sloppy as all hell.
>> It's not sloppy.  It's compliant with IEC 60027-2, and bypasses a
>> longstanding ambiguity.  What's sloppy is calling something a typo and a
>> bug, getting corrected, and still refusing to admit you were mistaken.
> 	Yes, you are correct in it being compliant. At which point did I refuse 
> to admit I was mistaken?

The part where you said, "Feh. Still looks as sloppy as all hell."  Or
am I supposed to interpret that as, "Oops.  My bad.  I guess GParted is
completely correct about this."

> Please enlighten me. Or maybe you didn't bother 
> to read all of what I said.

Actually I did.

> 	Again, putting words in my email message. I never said I had one 
> definitive source.

I didn't put any words anywhere.  /You/ said, "there are enough that one
has to go somewhere else to ensure the validity if the info".  /All/
sources should be independently validated, not just Wikipedia.

Matt Flaschen

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