MiB in gparted?

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Mon Feb 9 20:24:00 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-02-09 at 15:13 -0500, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>         Feh. Still looks as sloppy as all hell.

Blame the storage manufacturers who have redefined MB for all intents
and purposes. Also, I am surprised that you have never seen it before,
it's not all that exotic.

>         Plus, I'm continually surprised as to how many people point to
> the wikipedia site as the only source of info, despite the many
> instances if it being slanted, abused, 

The chances of anit-MiB nazis vandalizing this particular article are
slim ;)

> or just plain wrong. Yes, there are many 
> articles which may be correct, but there are enough that one has to go
> somewhere else to ensure the validity if the info....

It's handy (just type "MiB" into the Firefox search box), easier to read
than an RFC or similar and tech articles are rarely very wrong. As a
critical reader you will have no problem finding and following the links
to outside references (and draw you conclusions if there are none or if
they contradict Wikipedia). I fail to see the problem.

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