No more "me too" posts.

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sat Feb 7 20:24:03 UTC 2009

> Suppose it depends on how much you value customers.

Alright, where would you like the manpower to come from? Ubuntu is a
community distro, so if you feel the need for someone to trawl the
list and file bugs, then do it. I have filed bugs on list issues in
the past, though I don't trawl this list looking for issues.

>> There exists a way to make themselves happy.
> Forcing them to follow the developer's will?

Everything that you do in *buntu or anything else is as per the
developer's will. Do you know why the Porsche Tiptronic gearshift is
pushed forward to go up a gear, but the Ford Focus is pushed back?
Because that is how the developers made it. Go complain on a Ford
forum and see how the quickly engineers show up to fix the

> Consumer-oriented service isn't your forte, is it? :-)

No. Efficient usage of limited resources isn't you forte, is it? :)
(I will let the audience guess which one of us is an engineer)

Dotan Cohen


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