Vlc won't play DVD's on Ubuntu, or Kubuntu Intrepid

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at aliceadsl.fr
Fri Feb 6 23:08:00 UTC 2009

On Friday 06 February 2009 21:46, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 20:53 +0100, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> > This is also weird. It seems that vlc misinterprets the command line
> > (vlc -v 2) to mean that it is supposed to run the file "2"
> Indeed. I tried the same here, with the same messages appearing. Then I
> tried "vlc --verbose 2" and got completely different output that looks
> actually usable. Could you please try that and post the output?

Hi Mario.

I've just run vlc --verbose 2, and there certainly is a lot more output. See 
below. It's quite long. Regarding your previous post, I have also tried other 
dvd's with the same result. if you scroll down to where the "main audio 
output warnings" start (line 1426), that is when the video, and sound come to 
a halt, then further down at line 1708 is where I close vlc. That line says 
"main playlist debug: incoming request  -  stopping current input". Sorry the 
line numbers arn't there. I'll have to post you an attached file for that, 
but it might be a bit much to include on this post.

djmons at djmons-desktop:~$ vlc --verbose 2
VLC media player 0.9.4 Grishenko
[00000001] main libvlc debug: VLC media player - version 0.9.4 Grishenko - (c) 
1996-2008 the VideoLAN team
[00000001] main libvlc debug: libvlc was configured with ./configure  
'--build=i486-linux-gnu' '--enable-maintaner-mode' '--enable-release' 
'--prefix=/usr' '--enable-libtool' '--enable-fast-install' 
'--with-binary-version=1ubuntu3' '--disable-update-check' '--disable-gnome' 
'--disable-gtk' '--disable-familiar' '--disable-fb' '--enable-ggi' 
'--enable-sdl' '--enable-esd' '--enable-mad' '--enable-arts' '--enable-jack' 
'--enable-pulse' '--enable-lirc' '--enable-a52' '--enable-aa' 
'--enable-dvbpsi' '--enable-mozilla' '--with-mozilla-pkg=libxul-plugin' 
'--disable-kde' '--enable-mp4' '--enable-dvb' '--disable-satellite' 
'--enable-ogg' '--enable-vorbis' '--enable-shout' '--enable-qt4' 
'--disable-slp' '--enable-flac' '--disable-skins' '--disable-basic-skins' 
'--enable-skins2' '--enable-freetype' '--enable-mkv' '--enable-speex' 
'--enable-caca' '--enable-live555' '--enable-libmpeg2' '--enable-fribidi' 
'--enable-cdio' '--enable-mod' '--enable-theora' '--enable-modplug' 
'--enable-dvdnav' '--enable-gnutls' '--enable-ffmpeg' '--enable-ncurses' 
'--enable-smb' '--disable-gnomevfs' '--enable-bonjour' '--enable-mpc' 
'--enable-vcd' '--enable-vcdx' '--enable-notify' '--enable-twolame' 
'--enable-x264' '--enable-faad' '--disable-zvbi' '--enable-telx' 
'--enable-mediacontrol-bindings' '--disable-atmo' '--enable-taglib' 
'--enable-libass' '--enable-libdca' '--enable-alsa' '--enable-dv' 
'--enable-v4l' '--enable-v4l2' '--enable-pvr' '--enable-svgalib' 
'--enable-dvd' '--without-dvdcss' 'build_alias=i486-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS=-g 
-O2' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--as-needed' 'CPPFLAGS=' 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2'
[00000001] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "C"
[00000001] main libvlc debug: checking builtin modules
[00000001] main libvlc debug: checking plugin modules
[00000001] main libvlc debug: loading plugins cache 
file /home/djmons/.cache/vlc/plugins-04041e.dat
[00000001] main libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/lib/vlc'
[00000001] main libvlc debug: module bank initialized, found 274 modules
[00000001] main libvlc debug: opening config file 
[00000001] main libvlc debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX 3DNow! MMXEXT 
[00000001] main libvlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 4 candidates
[00000001] main libvlc debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
[00000372] main interaction debug: thread started
[00000372] main interaction debug: thread 3081116560 (Interaction control) 
created at priority 0 (interface/interaction.c:382)
[00000374] main input debug: Creating an input for 'Media Library'
[00000374] main input debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options
[00000374] main input debug: 
`file/xspf-open:///home/djmons/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' gives access `file' 
demux `xspf-open' path `/home/djmons/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[00000374] main input debug: creating access 'file' 
[00000375] main access debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates
[00000375] access_mmap access debug: opening 
file /home/djmons/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf
[00000375] main access debug: using access module "access_mmap"
[00000375] main access debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1.473 ms - Total 1.473 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.473 ms)
[00000379] main stream debug: Using AStream*Block
[00000379] main stream debug: pre buffering
[00000379] main stream debug: received first data for our buffer
[00000375] access_mmap access debug: at end of memory mapped file
[00000374] main input debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' 
[00000380] main demux debug: looking for demux module: 1 candidate
[00000380] playlist demux debug: using XSPF playlist reader
[00000380] main demux debug: using demux module "playlist"
[00000380] main demux debug: TIMER module_Need() : 17.794 ms - Total 17.794 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 17.794 ms)
[00000374] main input debug: 
`file/xspf-open:///home/djmons/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' successfully opened
[00000395] main xml debug: looking for xml module: 2 candidates
[00000395] main xml debug: using xml module "xml"
[00000395] main xml debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.793 ms - Total 0.793 ms / 1 
intvls (Avg 0.793 ms)
[00000375] access_mmap access debug: at end of memory mapped file
[00000380] playlist demux warning: invalid <playlist> attribute:"xmlns:vlc"
[00000380] playlist demux debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully
[00000395] main xml debug: removing module "xml"
[00000374] main input debug: EOF reached
[00000374] main input debug: control type=1
[00000380] main demux debug: removing module "playlist"
[00000375] main access debug: removing module "access_mmap"
[00000374] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'Media Library' : 
31.823 ms - Total 31.823 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 31.823 ms)
[00000397] main preparser debug: thread started
[00000397] main preparser debug: waiting for thread initialization
[00000397] main preparser debug: thread 3071155088 (preparser) created at 
priority 0 (playlist/thread.c:79)
[00000398] main fetcher debug: thread started
[00000398] main fetcher debug: waiting for thread initialization
[00000398] main fetcher debug: thread 3062762384 (fetcher) created at priority 
0 (playlist/thread.c:108)
[00000373] main playlist debug: thread started
[00000373] main playlist debug: waiting for thread initialization
[00000373] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
[00000373] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1
[00000373] main playlist debug: thread 3054369680 (playlist) created at 
priority 0 (playlist/thread.c:117)
[00000399] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000399] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[00000399] main interface debug: TIMER module_Need() : 19.370 ms - Total 
19.370 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 19.370 ms)
[00000399] main interface debug: thread started
[00000399] main interface debug: thread 3045976976 (interface) created at 
priority 0 (interface/interface.c:168)
[00000401] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000401] main interface debug: using interface module "inhibit"
[00000401] main interface debug: TIMER module_Need() : 3.018 ms - Total 3.018 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.018 ms)
[00000401] main interface debug: thread started
[00000401] main interface debug: thread 3037584272 (interface) created at 
priority 0 (interface/interface.c:168)
[00000403] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000403] main interface debug: using interface module "screensaver"
[00000403] main interface debug: TIMER module_Need() : 8.859 ms - Total 8.859 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 8.859 ms)
[00000403] main interface debug: thread started
[00000403] main interface debug: thread 3029191568 (interface) created at 
priority 0 (interface/interface.c:168)
[00000405] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 22 candidates
[00000405] main interface debug: using interface module "signals"
[00000405] main interface debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.466 ms - Total 0.466 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.466 ms)
[00000405] main interface debug: thread started
[00000405] main interface debug: thread 3012393872 (interface) created at 
priority 0 (interface/interface.c:168)
[00000001] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to 
use vlc without interface.
[00000407] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 4 candidates
[00000407] main interface debug: using interface module "qt4"
[00000407] main interface debug: TIMER module_Need() : 70.513 ms - Total 
70.513 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 70.513 ms)
[00000407] main interface debug: thread started
[00000407] main interface debug: thread 2985646992 (interface) created at 
priority 0 (interface/interface.c:168)
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Error while initializing qt-specific 
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: New item: dvd:///dev/scd0
[00000373] main playlist debug: adding item 
`dvd:///dev/scd0' ( dvd:///dev/scd0 )
[00000373] main playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
[00000373] main playlist debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1
[00000373] main playlist debug: starting new item
[00000373] main playlist debug: processing request item dvd:///dev/scd0 node 
null skip 0
[00000373] main playlist debug: resyncing on dvd:///dev/scd0
[00000373] main playlist debug: dvd:///dev/scd0 is at 0
[00000373] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000411] main input debug: Creating an input for 'dvd:///dev/scd0'
[00000411] main input debug: thread started
[00000411] main input debug: waiting for thread initialization
[00000411] main input debug: `dvd:///dev/scd0' gives access `dvd' demux `' 
path `/dev/scd0'
[00000411] main input debug: creating demux: access='dvd' demux='' 
[00000412] main demux debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
[00000411] main input debug: thread 2956970896 (input) created at priority 10 
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Updating the stream status: 3
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.2 from http://dvd.sf.net
libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 3EF757C6___MVB__
libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): 
libdvdnav: Unable to find map file 
libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fd0000. Regions: 2
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: trying to go to dvd menu
[00000414] main generic debug: thread started
[00000414] main generic debug: thread 2948242320 (dvdnav event thread handler) 
created at priority 0 (dvdnav.c:351)
[00000412] main demux debug: using access_demux module "dvdnav"
[00000412] main demux debug: TIMER module_Need() : 950.937 ms - Total 950.937 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 950.937 ms)
[00000411] main input debug: `dvd:///dev/scd0' successfully opened
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: New Event: type 1103
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Updating the stream status: 3
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: DVDNAV_HOP_CHANNEL
[00000411] main input debug: control type=1
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: DVDNAV_VTS_CHANGE
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - vtsN=1
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - domain=8
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: DVDNAV_CELL_CHANGE
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - cellN=1
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - pgN=1
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - cell_length=5727600
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - pg_length=5727600
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - pgc_length=5727600
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - cell_start=0
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - pg_start=0
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: DVDNAV_SPU_CLUT_CHANGE
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: DVDNAV_SPU_STREAM_CHANGE
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - physical_wide=0
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - physical_letterbox=0
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - physical_pan_scan=0
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: buttonUpdate not done b=1 t=0
[00000411] main input debug: selecting program id=0
[00000415] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 30 candidates
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: New Event: type 1108
[00000415] main decoder debug: using decoder module "spudec"
[00000415] main decoder debug: TIMER module_Need() : 380.428 ms - Total 
380.428 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 380.428 ms)
[00000415] main decoder debug: thread started
[00000415] main decoder debug: thread 2926689168 (decoder) created at priority 
0 (input/decoder.c:217)
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: DVDNAV_AUDIO_STREAM_CHANGE
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug:      - physical=0
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: buttonUpdate 1
[00000455] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 30 candidates
[00000455] main decoder debug: using decoder module "libmpeg2"
[00000455] main decoder debug: TIMER module_Need() : 4.312 ms - Total 4.312 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.312 ms)
[00000455] main decoder debug: thread started
[00000455] main decoder debug: thread 2916043664 (decoder) created at priority 
0 (input/decoder.c:217)
[00000412] dvdnav demux debug: buttonUpdate 1
[00000455] libmpeg2 decoder debug: 720x576 (display 720,576), aspect 576000, 
sar 16:15, 25.000 fps
[00000455] main decoder debug: no usable vout present, spawning one
[00000411] main input debug: crop: 67,448,68,34, palette forced: 1
[00000456] main video output debug: window size: 768x576
[00000456] main video output debug: looking for video output module: 9 
[00000459] main window debug: looking for vout window module: 2 candidates
[00000459] qt4 window debug: waiting for interface...
[00000459] qt4 window debug: requesting window...
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Video was requested -1, -1
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Video is resizing to: 768 576
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Updating the geometry
[00000456] qt4 video output debug: Qt FS: Attaching Vout
[00000456] qt4 video output debug: Qt: Changing Fullscreen Mode
[00000459] main window debug: using vout window module "qt4"
[00000459] main window debug: TIMER module_Need() : 46.369 ms - Total 46.369 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 46.369 ms)
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
[00000463] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 30 candidates
[00000463] main decoder debug: using decoder module "a52"
[00000463] main decoder debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.191 ms - Total 0.191 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.191 ms)
[00000463] main decoder debug: thread started
[00000463] main decoder debug: thread 2906450832 (decoder) created at priority 
5 (input/decoder.c:217)
[00000463] a52 decoder: A/52 channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192000
[00000463] main decoder debug: no aout present, spawning one
[00000464] main audio output debug: looking for audio output module: 6 
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
[00000456] x11 video output debug: XShm video extension v1.1 (with pixmaps, 
opcode: 144)
[00000456] x11 video output debug: Window manager supports NetWM
[00000456] x11 video output debug: Window manager supports 
[00000456] x11 video output debug: Window manager supports _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE
[00000456] x11 video output debug: Window manager supports _NET_WM_STATE_BELOW
[00000456] main video output debug: using video output module "x11"
[00000456] main video output debug: TIMER module_Need() : 161.222 ms - Total 
161.222 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 161.222 ms)
[00000456] main video output debug: thread started
[00000456] x11 video output debug: x11 image size 736x552 (0,0,736x552)
[00000456] main video output debug: waiting for thread initialization
[00000456] main video output debug: got 2 direct buffer(s)
[00000456] main video output debug: picture in 720x576 (0,0,720x576), chroma 
I420, ar 4:3, sar 16:15
[00000456] main video output debug: picture user 720x576 (0,0,720x576), chroma 
I420, ar 4:3, sar 16:15
[00000456] main video output debug: picture out 736x552 (0,0,736x552), chroma 
RV32, ar 4:3, sar 1:1
[00000465] main chroma debug: looking for video filter2 module: 19 candidates
[00000465] swscale chroma debug: 720x576 chroma: I420 -> 736x552 chroma: RV32 
with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
[00000465] main chroma debug: using video filter2 module "swscale"
[00000465] main chroma debug: TIMER module_Need() : 41.461 ms - Total 41.461 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 41.461 ms)
[00000456] main video output debug: indirect render, mapping render pictures 
0-7 to system pictures 2-9
[00000456] main video output debug: thread 2897664912 (video output) created 
at priority 15 (video_output/video_output.c:504)
[00000455] main decoder warning: dts != current_pts (-17842)
[00000455] main decoder warning: backward_pts != current_pts (-40000)
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: New Event: type 1109
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: opening ALSA device `default'
[00000465] main chroma debug: removing module "swscale"
[00000456] x11 video output debug: x11 image size 736x552 (0,0,736x552)
[00000469] main chroma debug: looking for video filter2 module: 19 candidates
[00000469] swscale chroma debug: 720x576 chroma: I420 -> 736x552 chroma: RV32 
with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
[00000469] main chroma debug: using video filter2 module "swscale"
[00000469] main chroma debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1.398 ms - Total 1.398 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.398 ms)
[00000464] main audio output debug: thread started
[00000464] main audio output debug: thread 2870311824 (aout) created at 
priority 15 (alsa.c:687)
[00000464] main audio output debug: using audio output module "alsa"
[00000464] main audio output debug: TIMER module_Need() : 212.024 ms - Total 
212.024 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 212.024 ms)
[00000464] main audio output debug: output 'fl32' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 
samples/8 bytes
[00000464] main audio output debug: mixer 'fl32' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 
samples/8 bytes
[00000464] main audio output debug: no need for any filter
[00000464] main audio output debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 
[00000464] main audio output debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"
[00000464] main audio output debug: TIMER module_Need() : 6.245 ms - Total 
6.245 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 6.245 ms)
[00000464] main audio output debug: input 'a52 ' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1536 
samples/768 bytes
[00000464] main audio output debug: filter(s) 'a52 '->'fl32' 48000 Hz->48000 
Hz Stereo->Stereo
[00000471] main audio output debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 
[00000471] main audio output debug: using audio filter module "a52tofloat32"
[00000471] main audio output debug: TIMER module_Need() : 17.480 ms - Total 
17.480 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 17.480 ms)
[00000464] main audio output debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
[00000464] main audio output debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 52800 Hz->48000 
Hz Stereo->Stereo
[00000476] main audio output debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 
[00000476] main audio output debug: using audio filter module 
[00000476] main audio output debug: TIMER module_Need() : 8.990 ms - Total 
8.990 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 8.990 ms)
[00000464] main audio output debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
[00000482] main spu text debug: looking for text renderer module: 2 candidates
[00000484] main generic debug: thread started
[00000484] main generic debug: thread 2861341584 (fontlist builder) created at 
priority 0 (freetype.c:477)
[00000484] freetype generic debug: Building font database...
[00000484] freetype generic debug: Finished building font database.
[00000484] freetype generic debug: Took 0 seconds
[00000484] main generic debug: thread ended
[00000482] freetype spu text debug: using fontsize: 34
[00000482] main spu text debug: using text renderer module "freetype"
[00000482] main spu text debug: TIMER module_Need() : 16.303 ms - Total 16.303 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 16.303 ms)
[00000485] main scale debug: looking for video filter2 module: 19 candidates
[00000485] swscale scale debug: 32x32 chroma: YUVA -> 16x16 chroma: YUVA with 
scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
[00000485] main scale debug: using video filter2 module "swscale"
[00000485] main scale debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.663 ms - Total 0.663 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.663 ms)
[00000486] main scale debug: looking for video filter2 module: 19 candidates
[00000486] scale scale debug: 32x32 -> 16x16
[00000486] main scale debug: using video filter2 module "scale"
[00000486] main scale debug: TIMER module_Need() : 28.178 ms - Total 28.178 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 28.178 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 10.442 ms - Total 10.442 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 10.442 ms)
[00000482] freetype spu text debug: using fontsize: 34
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.172 ms - Total 0.172 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.172 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.217 ms - Total 0.217 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.217 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.224 ms - Total 0.224 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.224 ms)
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (32550), playing 
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.208 ms - Total 0.208 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.208 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] message blend warning: message queue overflowed
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.530 ms - Total 0.530 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.530 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.208 ms - Total 0.208 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.208 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.206 ms - Total 0.206 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.206 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.129 ms - Total 0.129 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.129 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.212 ms - Total 0.212 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.212 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000464] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting 
resampling (69799)
[00000464] main audio output warning: buffer is 69799 late, triggering 
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.145 ms - Total 0.145 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.145 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.152 ms - Total 0.152 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.152 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.133 ms - Total 0.133 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.133 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.059 ms - Total 0.059 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.059 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.059 ms - Total 0.059 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.059 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.066 ms - Total 0.066 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.066 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.135 ms - Total 0.135 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.135 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.060 ms - Total 0.060 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.060 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.133 ms - Total 0.133 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.133 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.060 ms - Total 0.060 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.060 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.135 ms - Total 0.135 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.135 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.060 ms - Total 0.060 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.060 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.136 ms - Total 0.136 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.136 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.133 ms - Total 0.133 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.133 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.378 ms - Total 0.378 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.378 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.136 ms - Total 0.136 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.136 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.142 ms - Total 0.142 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.142 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 3.573 ms - Total 3.573 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 3.573 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.142 ms - Total 0.142 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.142 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.060 ms - Total 0.060 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.060 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.134 ms - Total 0.134 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.134 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.135 ms - Total 0.135 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.135 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.212 ms - Total 0.212 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.212 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.129 ms - Total 0.129 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.129 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.361 ms - Total 0.361 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.361 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.224 ms - Total 0.224 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.224 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.129 ms - Total 0.129 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.129 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.212 ms - Total 0.212 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.212 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.132 ms - Total 0.132 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.132 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.135 ms - Total 0.135 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.135 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.135 ms - Total 0.135 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.135 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.146 ms - Total 0.146 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.146 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.207 ms - Total 0.207 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.207 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.212 ms - Total 0.212 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.212 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.210 ms - Total 0.210 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.210 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.129 ms - Total 0.129 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.129 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.059 ms - Total 0.059 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.059 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.205 ms - Total 0.205 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.205 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.128 ms - Total 0.128 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.128 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.220 ms - Total 0.220 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.220 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.060 ms - Total 0.060 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.060 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.065 ms - Total 0.065 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.065 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.208 ms - Total 0.208 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.208 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.129 ms - Total 0.129 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.129 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.061 ms - Total 0.061 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.061 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.208 ms - Total 0.208 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.208 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.210 ms - Total 0.210 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.210 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.060 ms - Total 0.060 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.060 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.207 ms - Total 0.207 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.207 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.129 ms - Total 0.129 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.129 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.061 ms - Total 0.061 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.061 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.210 ms - Total 0.210 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.210 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.133 ms - Total 0.133 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.133 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.211 ms - Total 0.211 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.211 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.132 ms - Total 0.132 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.132 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.136 ms - Total 0.136 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.136 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.136 ms - Total 0.136 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.136 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.207 ms - Total 0.207 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.207 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.130 ms - Total 0.130 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.130 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.135 ms - Total 0.135 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.135 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.134 ms - Total 0.134 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.134 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.142 ms - Total 0.142 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.142 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.139 ms - Total 0.139 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.139 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.137 ms - Total 0.137 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.137 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.138 ms - Total 0.138 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.138 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.057 ms - Total 0.057 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.057 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVA -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.058 ms - Total 0.058 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.058 ms)
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
[00000481] blend blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> RV32
[00000481] main blend debug: using video blending module "blend"
[00000481] main blend debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 
1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-26720), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (27143), playing 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (36035), playing 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting 
resampling (66328)
[00000464] main audio output warning: buffer is 64543 late, triggering 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (21395), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-6599), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-34641), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (21790), playing 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting 
resampling (77809)
[00000464] main audio output warning: buffer is 46248 late, triggering 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-34576), dropping 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (50666), playing 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting 
resampling (66393)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-26518), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: buffer is 48620 late, triggering 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-26501), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (64138), playing 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (37077), playing 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting 
resampling (65382)
[00000464] main audio output warning: buffer is 82002 late, triggering 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (13561), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-7314), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-34426), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: computed PTS is out of range (47734), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (33660), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output PTS is out of range (50659), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (5629), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-22418), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (38381), playing 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (35075), playing 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting 
resampling (69592)
[00000464] main audio output warning: buffer is 69759 late, triggering 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-14390), dropping 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-38340), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (64712), playing 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: computed PTS is out of range (20447), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (26281), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output PTS is out of range (31389), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-2246), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (125645), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (97652), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (69752), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (61832), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (33708), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (6072), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-22328), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (42340), playing 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (39244), playing 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: computed PTS is out of range (5710), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (5777), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output PTS is out of range (16477), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-22297), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (129828), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (101716), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (73727), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (141820), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (117297), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (141766), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (114224), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (86087), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (57735), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (29754), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (1794), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-26235), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (42255), playing 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: computed PTS is out of range (18742), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (18804), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output PTS is out of range (18838), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-9819), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-37922), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (169778), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (141780), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (245954), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (217807), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (189797), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (205803), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (177818), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (149824), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (125896), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (97880), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (71429), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (41838), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (14660), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (-14011), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output debug: audio output is starving (30169), playing 
[00000464] alsa audio output debug: recovered from buffer underrun
[00000464] main audio output warning: computed PTS is out of range (137867), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (137948), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: output PTS is out of range (148884), 
clearing out
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (110098), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (82012), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (197854), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (169963), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (141855), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (226347), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (198289), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (293987), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (265911), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (238418), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (210273), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (181890), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (153893), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (125906), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (97888), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (73996), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (47926), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (18106), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (9916)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (141906), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (113914), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (9946)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (309957), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (281941), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (253937), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (293946), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (265953), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (237952), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (337966), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (309965), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (282004), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (254434), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (226015), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (198028), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (169978), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (141970), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (114016), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (86201), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (153981), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (129304), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (98682), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (59931)
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (130112)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (294042), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (266056), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (154049)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (378157), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (350066), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (322138), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (202062)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (430075), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (402079), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (374052), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (478075), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (450156), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (474087), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (446080), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (418127), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (390112), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (362705), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (454097), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (426608), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (398108), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (514116), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (486123), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (370132)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (458168), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (594200), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (566162), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (702169), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (674184), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (646621), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (618227), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (590192), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (562200), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (534167), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (506192), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (478196), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (450386), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (422191), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (434172), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (406379), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (346268)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (606206), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (578271), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (550234), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (670225), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (642271), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (614228), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (674266), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (646772), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (618271), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (590703), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (562401), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (534735), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (506263), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (478248), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (450470), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (422287), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (454460), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (426700), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (398491), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (346308)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (518303), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (490302), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (646298), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (618307), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (590307), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (642365), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (614312), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (586352), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (626328), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (598340), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (570324), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (542326), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (518330), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (490322), dropping 
[00000455] main decoder debug: decoded 36/105 pictures
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (462398), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (434347), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (418522), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (390530), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (370379)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (590356), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (562397), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (534984), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (658413), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (630376), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (722394), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (694447), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (666413), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (682400), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (654416), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (626513), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (598641), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (570891), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (542430), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (514458), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (486405), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (458458), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (430418), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (402411), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (554452), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (526431), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (418475)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (734462), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (706507), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (678472), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (682516), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (654468), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (750494), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (722486), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (694486), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (666513), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (638961), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (610493), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (582512), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (554489), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (526517), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (498685), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (470745), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (570552), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (542509), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (514548), dropping 
[00000456] main video output warning: late picture skipped (466573)
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (710636), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (682540), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (774645), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (746607), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (718556), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (818574), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (790575), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (762599), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (734576), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (706631), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (678716), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (650625), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (622579), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (599072), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (570689), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (694598), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (666623), dropping 
[00000464] main audio output warning: PTS is out of range (638599), dropping 
[00000373] main playlist debug: incoming request - stopping current input
[00000373] main playlist debug: dying input
[00000001] main libvlc debug: removing all interfaces
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Quitting the Qt4 Interface
[00000456] qt4 video output debug: Qt FS: Detaching Vout
[00000456] qt4 video output debug: Qt: Changing Fullscreen Mode
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Destroying the main interface
[00000459] main window debug: removing module "qt4"
[00000407] qt4 interface debug: Destroying the Dialog Provider
[00000455] main decoder debug: removing module "libmpeg2"
[00000455] main decoder debug: thread ended
[00000411] main input debug: control type=0
[00000411] main input debug: control: stopping input
[00000407] main interface debug: thread ended
[00000407] main interface debug: thread 2985646992 joined 
[00000407] main interface debug: removing module "qt4"
[00000405] main interface debug: thread ended
[00000405] main interface debug: thread 3012393872 joined 
[00000405] main interface debug: removing module "signals"
[00000403] main interface debug: thread ended
[00000403] main interface debug: thread 3029191568 joined 
[00000403] main interface debug: removing module "screensaver"
[00000401] main interface debug: thread ended
[00000401] main interface debug: thread 3037584272 joined 
[00000401] main interface debug: removing module "inhibit"
[00000399] main interface debug: thread ended
[00000399] main interface debug: thread 3045976976 joined 
[00000399] main interface debug: removing module "hotkeys"
[00000001] main libvlc debug: removing all services discovery tasks
[00000001] main libvlc debug: removing playlist
[00000414] main generic debug: thread ended
[00000414] main generic debug: thread 2948242320 joined (dvdnav.c:367)
[00000455] main decoder debug: thread 2916043664 joined (input/decoder.c:248)
[00000455] main decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `mpgv', 1 PES in FIFO
[00000469] main chroma debug: removing module "swscale"
[00000481] main blend debug: removing module "blend"
[00000484] main generic debug: thread 2861341584 joined (freetype.c:511)
[00000482] main spu text debug: removing module "freetype"
[00000486] main scale debug: removing module "scale"
[00000485] main scale debug: removing module "swscale"
[00000456] main video output debug: thread ended
[00000456] main video output debug: thread 2897664912 joined 
[00000456] main video output debug: removing module "x11"
[00000415] main decoder debug: removing module "spudec"
[00000415] main decoder debug: thread ended
[00000415] main decoder debug: thread 2926689168 joined (input/decoder.c:248)
[00000415] main decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `spu ', 0 PES in FIFO
[00000463] main decoder debug: removing module "a52"
[00000463] main decoder debug: thread ended
[00000463] main decoder debug: thread 2906450832 joined (input/decoder.c:248)
[00000463] main decoder debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52 ', 0 PES in FIFO
[00000471] main audio output debug: removing module "a52tofloat32"
[00000476] main audio output debug: removing module "bandlimited_resampler"
[00000464] main audio output debug: thread ended
[00000464] main audio output debug: thread 2870311824 joined (alsa.c:742)
[00000464] main audio output debug: removing module "alsa"
[00000464] main audio output debug: removing module "float32_mixer"
[00000411] main input debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
[00000412] main demux debug: removing module "dvdnav"
[00000411] main input debug: thread ended
[00000373] main playlist debug: dead input
[00000411] main input debug: thread 2956970896 joined (playlist/engine.c:244)
[00000411] main input debug: TIMER input launching for 'dvd:///dev/scd0' : 
989.599 ms - Total 989.599 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 989.599 ms)
[00000373] main playlist debug: saving Media Library to 
file /home/djmons/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf
[00000373] main playlist debug: looking for playlist export module: 1 
[00000373] main playlist debug: using playlist export module "export"
[00000373] main playlist debug: TIMER module_Need() : 8.580 ms - Total 8.580 
ms / 1 intvls (Avg 8.580 ms)
[00000373] main playlist debug: removing module "export"
[00000397] main preparser debug: thread ended
[00000397] main preparser debug: thread 3071155088 joined 
[00000398] main fetcher debug: thread ended
[00000398] main fetcher debug: thread 3062762384 joined 
[00000373] main playlist debug: thread ended
[00000373] main playlist debug: thread 3054369680 joined (libvlc.c:992)
[00000397] main preparser debug: Destroyed
[00000398] main fetcher debug: Destroyed
[00000373] main playlist debug: Destroyed
[00000001] main libvlc debug: removing interaction
[00000372] main interaction debug: thread ended
[00000372] main interaction debug: thread 3081116560 joined 
[00000001] main libvlc debug: removing all video outputs
[00000001] main libvlc debug: TIMER ML Load : Total 33.980 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 
33.980 ms)
[00000001] main libvlc debug: TIMER Items array build : Total 0.074 ms / 2 
intvls (Avg 0.037 ms)
[00000001] main libvlc debug: TIMER ML Dump : Total 8.710 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 
8.710 ms)
[00000001] main libvlc debug: removing stats
[00000001] main libvlc debug: removing module "memcpymmxext"
[00000001] main libvlc debug: opening config file 
[00000001] main libvlc debug: opening config file 
[00000001] main libvlc debug: writing plugins 
cache /home/djmons/.cache/vlc/plugins-04041e.dat
djmons at djmons-desktop:~$

Thanks for your help.


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