Vlc won't play DVD's on Ubuntu, or Kubuntu Intrepid

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 21:29:43 UTC 2009

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 20:53 +0100, Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> This is also weird. It seems that vlc misinterprets the command line
>> (vlc -v 2) to mean that it is supposed to run the file "2"
> Indeed. I tried the same here, with the same messages appearing. Then I
> tried "vlc --verbose 2" and got completely different output that looks
> actually usable. Could you please try that and post the output?
    I got to fooling around with vlc on a terminal and found  you can  
write vlc --help and get quite a list of things you can do. Here is some 
that might help:

  --ignore-config, --no-ignore-config
                                 no configuration option will be loaded nor
                                 saved to config file (default disabled)
      --save-config, --no-save-config
                                 save the current command line options 
in the
                                 config (default disabled)
      --reset-config, --no-reset-config
                                 reset the current config to the default
                                 values (default disabled)
      --reset-plugins-cache, --no-reset-plugins-cache
                                 resets the current plugins cache (default

    Of course I am thinking somehow you got the wrong things in config 
or plugins-cache.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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