awakening screen from screensaver

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Thu Feb 5 13:57:42 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> R Kimber wrote:
>> Movement of my mouse (logitech LX7) does not interrupt the
>> screensaver.  I have to press a key to get the screen back.  Is there a
>> setting somewhere for this?  I can't see it under 'screensaver' or
>> 'mouse' in the preferences.
>> Or is it a bug?  If so, which package should it relate to?
>> I have 8.10
>> - Richard
>     It is different than Hardy, but my 8.10 that works on my laptop has 
> that same problem. I hit the shift key and that drops the screen saver. 
> Also, since about 99.8% of us are using screens that do not "burn in" 
> there is little need for screen savers. But I like the one with 
> electronic components swimming by.

Despite the cautions of saying Me Too, I'll add that I have two up to 
date Intrepid systems and one of them will not wake by mouse, the other 
one does. I don't know if it's related to whether you have a PS/2 port 
mouse vs. a USB mouse or not, but I never changed any settings for the 
screensaver or mouse that relate to waking from mouse nor have I been 
able to find anything to change the behavior. I just sort of wrote it 
off as a minor annoyance.

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