No more "me too" posts.

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Thu Feb 5 13:38:36 UTC 2009

Nils Kassube wrote:
> Mark Kirkwood wrote:
>> Chris Jones wrote:
>>> In some cases simply letting the OP know it is not just them, and
>>> others have the same issue does help...
> I don't think it helps to know I'm not the only one having a particular 
> problem. It doesn't help to SOLVE the problem and that would be what I 
> want.

No, it doesn't, but when you go to a list with people who help others 
and say your glablabber isn't installing with an error about the 
libtibbop and thirty others start "me to-ing" and "This happened to me 
over quinty months ago", then you generally have an idea that
a) you're not alone
b) others have tried, and apparently failed, to solve the issue
c) you're probably kinda screwed.

And sometimes it's best not to be left wondering.

>> Lots of 'me too' signal a widespread problem. There is the possibility
>> of dismissing a singular report on the grounds of "isolated and
>> un-reproducable" or such like. Lots of 'Me too' posts make that
>> impossible, and act as a heads-up that the issue is serious.
> So you think people should get only help here if it is a widespread issue? 
> I know you didn't say that but IMHO that would be the consequence if "me 
> too" posts would be declared useful in any way.

What's useful is what's often used in reviews and board forums; a way to 
simply have "26 others found this useful", or something of that 
nature...a rating system.

I don't think he's saying that others should get help only if it's 
widespread...I think it sounds like he's saying it's a forum for someone 
to see it and say "we've got thirty people with XYZ issue so it should 
be a priority," even though I don't know how many, if any, developers 
are actually paying attention to these forums.

But it probably makes the end user feel a *little* better about their 
situation and/or signal that maybe they need to consider moving on to 
try some other hardware/software, or a different OS, depending on 
severity or irritation level.

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