Problem with Lightning in Thunderbird

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Feb 4 01:42:32 UTC 2009

On 02/03/2009 05:16 PM, Mark Pyles wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> I am using Ubuntu 8.04 (gnome desktop) on a Dell Inspiron 1525. I have 
> lightning installed in Thunderbird and have a problem when I go 
> to click on the calendar and click on the Day, week, multiweek or month 
> buttons and nothing changes. My view remains the same. It shows me each 
> appointment time from 12am to 12pm, but that is the only view I can see. 
> Nothing else works when I click on it, not buttons, not anything. I 
> tried uninstalling and reinstalling lightning but that didn't help 
> either. So I am at a loss and wondered if anyone else has had this 
> problem? Thanks.
> Mark

I have (on Hardy) TB and Lightning 0.9 installed & no issues.
What version of Lightning do you have installed?

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