Another reason to prefer a real root over sudo

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Mon Feb 2 17:29:23 UTC 2009

Rashkae wrote:
> Chris G wrote:
>> I have just discovered another reason why I don't like sudo.
> Well, ok, I like having a root account myself, for various reasons that
> need not be discussed here....
> So, a quick sudo passwd root and I'm on my way happy as a pig in a
> support mailing list.
> What is the point.. are you petitioning to change the way Ubuntu
> installer sets up admin accounts?  That 'debate' was settled years ago
> and will serve no purpose than to clutter this list.
> Or were you just trolling for the sake of trolling?  (Damn, guess I got
> caught)

I thought at this point he was just griping to vent.

Sounded like he liked the old way of doing things and found the slightly 
more newbie-centric way of doing things annoying.

Personally I like the idea of using a Root account to separate 
privileges, but don't find the Ubuntu Way(tm) to be annoying to the 
point where I can't function. So I don't mind.

The disable-root-and-sudo-privileges-when-needed approach is also used 
on the Mac with success, and helps with logging what is being done. 
Windows with the give-user-God-privileges suffers continuously from 
malware infections and such, showing why it's a bad idea to use a root 
privileged account model to non-sysadmins, which most users are...non 

Again. The debate was settled. Don't like it, customize it, but this is 
the best fit for the most users unfortunately.

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