wireless signal strength

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Sun Feb 1 14:22:32 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:

>> The visual info in the guidance tray icon doesn't seem to change even if I 
>> move the laptop right next to the router.
> Paul, in order for anyone to reasonably assist you'll need to do at
> least the following:
> 1. Tell us what version of Ubuntu (including which desktop you are using
> - Gnome, KDE, etc),
> 2. Tell us what you are using as your network manager; standard
> installed Network Manager, Wicd, other.
> Wicd allows you to modify the strength settings to use dBM to measure
> signal strength. I don't believe the standard Ubuntu Network Manager has
> similar. But I'm sure that others can perhaps suggest an alternate
> drive-by type of program that does.

Also, without specialized equipment, this is dependent on your 
laptop...where and how the wireless signal is picked up depends on your 
laptop's construction, if you have an external antenna, etc (if you're 
asking to basically map your wireless in the house, or are you asking 
how your laptop is picking up the signal?)

Basically it can vary since your laptop may get a comfy spot that 
another laptop will burp at. And it depends on what you have running as 
well, as some people might suddenly have interference when microwaving 
dinner or using a particular phone or toy.

One of the fun threads in Apple forums was designs and redesigns of the 
aluminum-housing Macs with the internal wireless antennas on their 
airports and how they affected receptions. Plastic housing Macs had much 
better wireless reception...

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