Location to download movie players

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 31 07:30:12 UTC 2009

On Wed, 30 Dec 2009 20:22:46 -1000
jiten jha <jitenjha11 at googlemail.com> uttered these words:

>     I want to download vlc player and other movie players dpkg
> package for debian 5.3 server and ubuntu 9.04 .
> Then please send me a link where i can download dpkg package for all
> type software .

You can download vlc from its home page at:


However, the best (and easiest) way is to add the Medibuntu repository
to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, or to add it through Synaptic.
Details on how to do this will be found at:


But that's only half the story: you will also need to install the
codecs that vlc handles, and the Medibuntu repository should have them
all to download.

What are you trying to play?  Perhaps we can help you some more if you
give us specifics.

Graham Todd

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