Gnome users who have tried KDE: convince me!

marc gmane at
Wed Dec 30 11:13:35 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> However, if you want to see how it should be done, take a look at Opus
>> Directory on Windows
> Assuming that I do not have access to a Windows machine to test Opus,
> please tell me what features it has so that I can file feature
> requests on Nautilus and Dolphin.
> Thanks.

It's not about features, per se, more a design approach/philosophy. But
the features and usability -- ah, I'm supposed to say "experience" these
days, init -- are far and away the best of any file manager on any
platform, imo.

Btw, I took this matter up with the krusader team a couple of years ago
when I was active in that project, but they were only interested in
copying the mc approach.


"Change requires small steps."

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