Gnome users who have tried KDE: convince me!

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at
Tue Dec 29 20:58:07 UTC 2009

On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:29:56 +0000, marc wrote:

>> Like most modern filemanagers, Nautilus can have as many 'screens' as
>> you want. There's no need for a fixed split-screen anymore. Just open
>> an extra window.
> This is a naive and rather myopic point of view.

That's a naive and rather myopic judgement. I've used split-screen 
filemanagers for about 15 years, so I think I do have some idea of what 
I'm talking about.

> Split screen file
> managers are incredibly useful for anyone who routinely moves files
> around.

I do move files around a lot.

> I tend to use a console for file management, but when I fire up a file
> manager, I use either krusader or dolphin (both KDE apps); nautilus has
> incredibly limited functionality.
> However, if you want to see how it should be done, take a look at Opus
> Directory on Windows

DOpus became my favorite on the Amiga when it reached version 4 (IIRC), 
Before that, I used the much faster (but less configurable) FileMaster.

This is what my DOpus-config used to look like:

Regards, Robert                            

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