Frequent ubuntu "freezes" after RAM upgrade

Andrea Fortino andreas.fortino at
Mon Dec 28 18:22:41 UTC 2009

Andrea Fortino ha scritto:
> Hi,
> BIOS can read all of 3 GB, but ubuntu often "freezes" after some minutes 
> of work. So I try ubuntu memory test (option from GRUB menu). Test #5 
> ("block move, 64 moves") reports numerous errors. Retried memory test, 
> with only 2 GB (checked every possible combination of 3 blocks): no 
> errors found. So all 3 RAM blocks are ok, I think.
> Thank you in advance! :-)
> Ciao,
> Andrea

sorry for the late. I want to thank all of you for the contributions. 
I'll try to tune voltage in the mobo, of course being very carefully. If 
it will works, I'll report it to this mailing list.


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