Frequent ubuntu "freezes" after RAM upgrade

Aaron soulblade at
Sun Dec 27 00:19:14 UTC 2009

On 26/12/09 18:27, Andrea Fortino wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a quite old pc with ubuntu 8.04 (32 bit). CPU 2,6GHz, GeForce
> FX 5200 128MB, motherboard Via P4PB 400 with 3 RAM slots, each one with
> 512 GB (tot 1,5 GB). Swap partition size is circa 1,5 GB. Checked on
> internet, max RAM size is 3GB:
> So I just buyed three RAM blocks (DIMM, each one 1 GB).
> BIOS can read all of 3 GB, but ubuntu often "freezes" after some minutes
> of work. So I try ubuntu memory test (option from GRUB menu). Test #5
> ("block move, 64 moves") reports numerous errors. Retried memory test,
> with only 2 GB (checked every possible combination of 3 blocks): no
> errors found. So all 3 RAM blocks are ok, I think.
> Then I decide, not so hopefully, to upgrade BIOS:
> No changes.
> As last attempt, I install 2.6.24-26-server kernel. Again, no changes
> (ubuntu still freezes after few minutes of uptime)
> What do you think? Any solutions?
> Thank you in advance! :-)
> Ciao,
> Andrea
I have seen similar behaviour with newer DDR2 memory.

DDR1 ram has a default voltage of 2.5, if it is "high speed" or "low 
latency" it may require a higher voltage to operate correctly. For most 
of the ram that I have seen there is a sticker attached to the ram, or 
if not it may say so on the manufacturers website.

The 'latency' and / or 'speed' settings can also cause memory issues, 
newer mother boards seem to guess the required latency / settings 
settings without any issue (or default to sensible settings most of the 
time). Older mother boards may not do so.

In both of the above cases, review the BIOS settings. (Chapter 3, 
section 24 contains information on BIOS set-up).

*As you probably already know, be careful not to set the incorrect 
voltage as it can destroy the ram and mother board <-;*

Example, this ram requires 1.8 volts and latacny settings of 5-5-5-18

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