What is your favourite FLOSS application?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 21:12:17 UTC 2009

> will this list be compiled and published someplace at some time?  It's
> pretty open as stated.

I was hoping to have the results out by the end of the year, but I
have been swamped with studies and it might not happen until the end
of January! But the time is well spent: I am designing a MySQL backend
and taking into consideration the different formats that people send
in, not to mention the fact that some categories get more than one
answer. This way, next year's survery will go much smoother, and it
will scale.

> I'd love to know if I need to be printing out these individual answers
> because there's a lot of stuff here I've never heard of -- which isn't
> surprising given the dearth of experience at my end.

All the programs mentioned here will be in the final results.

Dotan Cohen


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