Simple Backup Config

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Thu Dec 24 15:51:51 UTC 2009

2009/12/24  <accessys at>:
> On Thu, 24 Dec 2009, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>> 2009/12/24  <accessys at>:
>>> including /var is what causes the most problems because that is where it
>>> stores the backup, so if you include /var you keep exponentially keep
>>> rebacking up your backup and filling your hard drive.  1-2-4-8-16-32-64
>>> etc.
>>> Bob
>> Yes, that's probably right, and when that happens you'll probably get
>> an error message saying that the drive is full. Then you start to
>> debug your settings and somehow you find out that ”aah, /var shouldn't
>> be included”, so you edit your settings, erase your drive and try
>> again. It's not a much bigger deal than that, is it?
> well I've found that when the drive is full and you get the error messages
> it will no longer allow you to open the "simple backup config file"  and the
> permissions are set only for root.   so to delete the files I first had to
> find the offending files which got a "tgz" suffix and then had to go thru
> chown, so I could get permission (or sudo su) then rm each file seperately.
>  took a fair amount of grunt work and terminal time.  someone not as
> comfortable working in terminal or not familiar with the commands could get
> really flummuxed and frustrated.

Well, I was more thinking in terms of formatting the whole drive, but
it's only a good idea if you use the whole drive for backup, having
partitioned it as one big partition.

Okay, so this can be somewhat more complex than first meets the eye,
but the best way to learn (not always perhaps) is by making mistakes
and learn from it.

Johnny Rosenberg

>> By the way, I once included /var in my backups and I never had any
>> problems with it, except that I thought that it was unnecessary so I
> you probably left the "exclude files over 100mb" option on but I think the
> default is off.....maybe changed since I downloaded it
>> didn't include it the next time I rewrote my backup script (which do
>> backups for me with rsync, by the way) from scratch. These days I only
>> backup $HOME and I exclude some folders that only take unnecessary
>> time to back up.
>> Johnny Rosenberg
> which is pretty much the same way I "tamed" this program but it is an easy
> mistake to make and the man that comes with it doesn't have any warning
> about the overfull harddrive problem.
> Bob
>>> On Wed, 23 Dec 2009, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>>>> Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 20:23:08 +0100
>>>> From: Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>
>>>> Reply-To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
>>>>     <ubuntu-users at>
>>>> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
>>>>     <ubuntu-users at>
>>>> Subject: Re: Simple Backup Config
>>>> 2009/12/23 NoOp <glgxg at>:
>>>>> On 12/22/2009 04:43 AM, Kipton Moravec wrote:
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> Look in the menu System -> Administration -> Simple Backup Config
>>>>>> That is where it is on 8.04 LTS. Do not see it installed in the
>>>>>> default
>>>>>> 9.10.
>>>>> Please be aware that if not configured properly Simple Backup can
>>>>> easily
>>>>> fill your hard drive with backup files until you run out of space
>>>>> (check
>>>>> the archives).
>>>> What's the problem? If it happens, just erase your hard drive, change
>>>> your settings and try again. How hard can it be?
>>>> Of course I assume that when you try things like this the very first
>>>> times, you use an external EMPTY hard drive (or other kind of external
>>>> memory).
>>>> So maybe my suggestion earlier was totally wrong. Will this work?
>>>> Include: /
>>>> Exclude: /media
>>>> Or
>>>> Include: /home, /var, /etc, /usr, /bin, /lib, /boot, /dev, /initrd,
>>>> /opt, /proc, /root, /sbin, /srv, /sys
>>>> Exclude: (Leave empty)
>>>> The second alternative won't backup files in /, but maybe those few
>>>> files are not very important.
>>>> Johnny Rosenberg
>>>>> So follow the instructions/docs carefully:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> [sbackup doesn't check for/prevent full disk - 2006 bug that still
>>>>> hasn't been fixed]
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