Linux dpkg Software Report

Ray Parrish crp at
Thu Dec 24 11:08:42 UTC 2009

Christian Schult wrote:
> Hello Tim,
> Tim Frost wrote:
>> On Tue, 2009-12-22 at 21:25 -0800, Ray Parrish wrote:
>>> I hope I won't get flamed for this, but I have just completed my most 
>>> ambitious script to date, and have completed the Linux dpkg Software 
>>> Report script which takes output from dpkg, and formats it into html 
>>> pages sorted by package section, such as Games, Editors, etc... and also 
>>> generates an alphabetical index to the packages.
>> This allows an admin to install the scripts in a system directory such
>> as /usr/bin, without needing to compromise system security.
> Sorry for beeing a bit nitpicking, of course one can install files where
> one wants to. According to FHS [1] it's recommended to put executables
> not installed by the systems package management into /usr/local/bin.
I did not know this since I'm fairly new to Linux, and did not think 
that I could install to such a location without having root privileges. 
Do I need to write another script which requires root permissions to 
install the script to that location?
> This ensures that locally installed files do not overwrite files
> installed by package management or aren't overwritten by them in future.
> Also backup is easy because you only have to backup /usr/local.
That sounds good, but I will need to determine a good place to write the 
output files of the script to, as I am sure no one wants them in a 
folder hanging off of /usr/local/bin, and the script as written is 
designed to add a folder, and write it's output files into the folder 
where it is ran from. Not too difficult a change, just need to know 
where to write the output... is it still kosher to write it to the 
user's home folder structure as some programs do with their 
configuration files and things?
> Christian
> 1
Thanks for the link, I will do some reading there as soon as I get this 

Later, Ray Parrish

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