Need to recover from an ID-10-T error.

Rashkae ubuntu at
Thu Dec 24 05:19:19 UTC 2009

> I'm wearing out as well.
> If this doesn't fix it the brute force will have to take over. I'll be out of pocket myself for the next week.

If you do end up re-installing, I suggest the following for you.

Use the boot cd gui partition editor to delete sda1 and sda3.

That should leave a large unpartitioned space at the start of the drive.
 Use the entire space to create a swap partition.

When you re-install, don't bother with a boot partition.  You don't need
one.  Simply format sda4 (after backing up the /home folder, of course)
and mount it as /

Install, restore the contents of your home folder, and off you go.

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