How to reset things to their default, post-installation state?

Suze Baker northernsuze at
Wed Dec 23 22:46:55 UTC 2009

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:04:35AM +0100, Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote: 
>  * delete all the "hidden" (name starting with a dot) files and directories
>  in your /home/username. This resets all user settings.
On Mon, 2009-12-21 at 14:43 -0500, Daniel Convissor wrote:
> I wouldn't do that step.  Keeping your personal setting files is very 
> handy.  

If I want to "start fresh" I back up only the email, bookmarks, my
recipe database, web editor settings and delete the rest of the hidden
"." folders and files. This is my personal preference, but then I know
the hidden files correspond to my current load. 

As a side note deleting these files is essential for a re-install after
the grandkids head home at holidays end: you can imagine what the
personal settings look like after a couple of weeks playing and learning
with Linux! o_O

Happy Holidays

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