Linux dpkg Software Report

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Dec 23 05:25:20 UTC 2009


I hope I won't get flamed for this, but I have just completed my most 
ambitious script to date, and have completed the Linux dpkg Software 
Report script which takes output from dpkg, and formats it into html 
pages sorted by package section, such as Games, Editors, etc... and also 
generates an alphabetical index to the packages.

All web urls, ftp urls, and emails in the dpkg output have been 
converted to clickable links, and there are links to each package's 
installed files lists, and configuration files lists, as well as any 
index.html files in that package's /usr/share/doc/packagename folders.

I've released it as open source, and it is available at -


There is also a sample output set from the script available for perusal 
linked on that page.

Sorry if you consider this spam, it's not a technical question, but an 
announcement of something  I think could help some people learn their 
systems easier.

Later, Ray Parrish

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