Creating separate session for remote desktop

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Dec 22 23:10:23 UTC 2009

On 12/21/2009 10:04 PM, Dave M G wrote:
> NoOp,
> Thank you for replying.
>> $ gksu gconf-editor
>> Now go to: /desktop/gnome/remote_access/ and see if you have a
>> 'disable_xdamage' option. If so, check it. 
> I have applied the fix, however, I think it is still only part of the
> problem.
> With Compiz, I have effects enabled and screenlets on my desktop. Even
> if everything is working fine, I think they keep refreshing the screen
> at a rate that causes the remote viewer to slow to a crawl.
> So I am still wondering if it is possible to start some kind of seperate
> but equal desktop environment for my user account that I can run only
> for when someone is connected to my computer, and leave my Compiz
> environment in tact when I quit.

NoMachine NX or FreeNX would be my suggestion. However, be aware that
they start their own session (unless you enable VNC in the session), so
the remote will see a fresh desktop rather than your exisiting running
desktop. I use NX; download & install by double-clicking the .deb files
in this order (unsure you have installed ssh first: apt-get install ssh):
client, node, server
client, node server

For FreeNX:
Note: as mentioned, I use NX, so have no experience working with FreeNX.

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