Boot Fails After 9.10 Upgrade - No 9.10 kernels or splash

R. A. Bilonick rab at
Mon Dec 21 20:28:51 UTC 2009

I've upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 on 4 computers (1 32-bit laptop and 3
64-bit workstations) without any problesm. (Well, at first the laptop
kept freezing but after several further updates seems absolutely stable
and fine.)

Last night I "upgraded" my HP 2133 mini-note book from 9.04 to 9.10. The
upgrade finished like all the others. When it re-booted, instead of
seeing the 9.10 grub screen, all that shows are 9.04 kernels and of
course the boot fails (after messages about non-existent Windows
shares). I've see info on the Samba type problems but I've not seen any
thing written about what seems to be happening on 2133. I'm not sure if
there is something I can re-configure in grub. It may be what I'm seeing
is grub and not grub2. I cannot get to a terminal and there is no
opportunity to type in commands (except in grub before it fails and
locks up and I have to power it off). Another error message concerns
konqueror not being able to get an X-window server (or something

I created a 9.10 live CD which I will try tonight. Any suggestions on
other approaches?

I guess I should have tried the 9.10 liveCD first but after all the
other computers were updated without incident, it never occurred to me.

Rick B.

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