Thread hijacking

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Dec 17 05:05:06 UTC 2009

On 12/14/2009 07:45 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> As a newcomeer to this list I'm intrigued to know whether the hijacking of 
> threads is commonplace and accepted here. On other lists I know, any such 
> behaviour is stamped on instantly, yet it keeps happening here with impunity.

As others have pointed out, sometimes a gentle nudge for newcommers is
better. In the past I've tried comment regarding thread hijacking, but
then often get accused of being a 'list mom' et al. Anyway, I've found
that sometimes it's just better to not reply to a thread hijacker... my
apologies to allowing this thread to drift off w/replies to Chris
regarding list RFC's.

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